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Five - Number of times the Guardian and Observer snapper Tom Jenkins has been crowned Sports Photographer of the Year. Champion.

So it's not just IBWM who appreciate being stuck 'In The Moment' when presented with a Jenkins photo.

Tom 'at the forefront of British sports photography for over twenty years' Jenkins famously goes beyond the norm in his photos. He casts an eye over and above what's occurring on the pitch, court, course, track and the like to bring us iconic images, the bigger picture if you will.

In between photographing the Tour de France, Wimbledon, The Olympics, Paralympics and Premier League football matches, Tom was good enough to find time to contribute to our own humble gallery here at IBWM.

These images along with hundreds of others have been collated together to fill a very large coffee table shaped Christmas stocking in the form of his new book, In The Moment (available here with a £10 discount - you ain't seen us, right).

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Tom Jenkins...