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We give a nod to Stuart Roy Clarke fairly often on these pages, and with very good reason - he's simply the best. Non-League football is blessed with its very own SRC, namely David Bauckham who has plucked a winner from the brilliant ideas department with his new book, 'Love Not Money'.

For the book, Bauckham photographed and interviewed volunteers from non-League clubs over two seasons. "The volunteers are the heartbeat of non-League football... without them the game we all love would simply die," said Caroline Baker presenter of the 'Non-League Football Show' on BBC Radio 5Live, "Those souls who without asking and without monetary reward go beyond being a fan. They're part of the family; institutions and deserve to be celebrated by us all."

And celebrate them he does. There are over 70 interviews and portraits in the book from Club Presidents and Secretaries to Programme sellers and Stewards. A quick snapshot of the stars of ‘Love Not Money’ can be found in our IBWM Gallery.

You can add 'Love Not Money' to your Christmas stocking here and be sure follow David Bauckham on Twitter