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 Nice to see The 100 from IBWM get a namecheck on the site intro, but as a body of work ‘Le 50’ by the good folk at French Football Weekly deserves all of the praise it is currently receiving. 

We are suckers for a list at IBWM and try to keep up to speed with what’s happening in as many regions as possible.  So when somebody takes the time to compile such a concise record as this, we are pretty much ready to stand up and applaud.  We did, in fact.

The criteria for selection is that the players selected for 'Le 50' must be in France, justifiably decent and have been born on or after 1 January 1990.  In some countries remaining dedicated to that line of enquiry can be tricky, but in such a talent rich region as France’s Ligue’s 1 and 2, the difficulty was always going to be the narrowing of a wide field.  And FFW have done a great job.

Available as a downloadable PDF, you can get your copy of Le 50 here.  It’s completely free, but please make a donation if you can.